Residents should not be silenced…

Why is the Sausalito City Council limiting Community input at Council meetings?


·      Move the Public Comment section of Council meetings to the end of the meeting versus the beginning where it has been traditionally;

·      Reduce the time limit for each person’s comment to 1 minute versus 3 minutes; and

·      Raise major issues by means of the City Manager’s report instead of adding them to the PUBLISHED AGENDA as required by the Brown Act.

We understand the Council wants to reduce meeting times but our voices need to be heard.

Raising major issues in the City Manager’s report circumvents and therefore violates the formal notice requirement of the Brown Act.  A judge found the Marin County Board of Supervisors in violation of the Brown Act for raising Housing Element issues under the County Executive’s report.

Transparency is the key to good government. All citizens must be heard, not just special interest groups!

Please click below and email the Council:

 Click here to email the City Council

Was There A Cover Up?

Alleged Violations of Law by Former Sausalito Official; City’s Response

  •  There is substantial evidence that a former senior official of the City of Sausalito government allegedly misrepresented to the City Council the results of a bidding process that was manipulated so that the Council would award a $125,000 contract to a company owned by friends of the official.

  • Someone, possibly the official, deleted all the pertinent files regarding this process  as "there are no digital files related to this item" , (City response dated November 19, 2021 to Public Records Act (PRA) request).

   Violations of Law

  •  Unauthorized Document Destruction. Destroying files is in violation of California Government Code section 34090 which requires the retention of city records less than two years old.

  •  Falsification of Public Records. The City Council members rely upon truthful and substantiated staff reports and recommendations as a basis for their decisions.

  City’s Response (or Lack Thereof)

  •  We presented a confidential package on this matter to the City Attorney Mary Wagner with a request she present it to the City Council.  Her response?  She would do so “when and if necessary”. 

  •  We took the matter to the Marin County District Attorney who referred us to the Sausalito Police Department.  The Sausalito Police Department responded that “Typically, local law enforcement has no jurisdiction in situations such as you describe due to a conflict of interest.  We would refer the case to an outside law enforcement agency if further criminal investigation is warranted.”  He then referred us back to Wagner. 

  • To our knowledge, Ms. Wagner has never presented the matter to the City Council and the police chief has never referred the case to an outside law enforcement agency.  What is a resident to do? It’s our money!